Breakfast Meeting 11 May 2021

I was asked by some of you to organise this meeting with a focus on ``performance, health and resilience’’
in the spirit of my performance article (see below) and of the piece that we wrote as a partial contribution to winning the war against Covid-19.

This is in particular motivated by one lesson that Covid-19 has revealed to the `world’, which is that most of its inhabitants are ``ill’’ or ``not healthy’’, not ``in good shape’’
=> this is a wake up call for reintegrating the cultivation of personal health and resilience. I see this as an essential component of the harmonious continuation of our civilisations
(and at a proximate level, for the successful win of the battles against Covid-19).

I will be happy to explain to you my insights and experience, and will welcome questions, contributions, complements and even, yes, criticisms ;)

see link to Downloadbreakfast-meeting (MP4, 192.2 MB)

see DownloadArticle Health-resilience Covid-19 (PDF, 190 KB)

see DownloadArticle High performance (PDF, 246 KB)

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